This Year
This year I climbed the highest wall I’ve ever climbed.
I almost made it to the top before I came crashing down
I’m still full of bumps and bruises but I’m alive and you know what?
That wall doesn’t seem as high as the first time I tried to climb it.
I swear I didn’t sleep this year, I didn’t waste a single minute of time.
I lived big and then I lived bigger. I gave this year every damn thing that I had.
I was promoted in the military, traveled to the east coast, the west coast, and the Middle East.
My husband and I opened another practice.
I graduated from Leadership Wyoming and my oldest son graduated from high school.
I helped launch Wyoming’s first ever traveling children’s museum, a concert series, a women’s mentoring conference, and a bike share program just to name a few.
I helped the museum put a tax initiative on the ballot through a petitioning process. We made state history by doing something no one has ever done before… and almost won.
And I ran for mayor… and I lost.
My little boys stayed little, my son Dawson grew up. And my time at the DDA ended.
Despite climbing all the way up that wall and falling down, I have to say this has been one of the best years of my life.
I left this year with more than I had started with: more love, more support, more friendships, more hope, and more optimism than I ever possible could have imagined.
Thank you 2016 for what has been the worst and best year of my life.