Out Takes.
When I started this campaign, I promised myself that I was going to be real. I was going to show people the real me. I didn't want to get elected and have people be surprised with who I really am or my true personality.
I have been dying to do out takes in every video we have made. Why? Because that is the real me. The one that laughs, that is less formal, the one that is just like you.
With every video I tried to sneak the out takes in, even integrate them into each video. With every video my campaign team would shake their head and I would end up taking them out.
With one day and a wake up left, I have made my last video. First there is a summary of what I have done and a thank you to those who have supported me. Second, just a few of my out takes. It's a glimpse of reality in a world of politics. It's my real laugh, my unfiltered mannerisms, and my awkwardness. It's the real me, the one who makes mistakes, the unperfect me, and the one who puts on my shoes the same way you do.
The out takes in this campaign have kept me sane. I so wish I had a video of more of them: the impromptu rap, tripping on the sidewalk, and wearing my dress backwards for half the day. Two weeks before the election of for Mayor of Cheyenne I was given a rental car with Colorado plates. Are you kidding me? The word "girl" became a conversation piece of its own. Over and over and over again. The talks I had with my children about politics are worth a reality tv show of their own. It's all funny. A little humor in an otherwise serious and heated race to be the first female Mayor of Cheyenne, Wyoming.