In fact, I have lived in a bubble. That bubble consisted of my family and friends, neighbors, the medical community, and the Army.
There are a lot of people that live in bubbles. Their bubbles might be a job and soccer, or church and a neighborhood. School and family. Regardless, a large part of our community are not “in the loop”.
After the rec center failed, I was disappointed. I couldn’t believe that we wouldn’t want a rec center in Cheyenne. A lot of the people in my bubble were also confused The paper, KGAB, and social media don’t always penetrate the bubbles, so we didn’t understand why it didn’t pass.
For many reasons, including the failed rec center, we started the children’s museum. It began very organically and continues to be a citizen driven project. As we embarked on the process with the City to acquire ¼ of the property, I became aware of how broken some of the communication, attitudes, and processes in government were.
I also became aware of the needs of downtown such as parking, abandoned buildings, and perception. As the Executive Director of the DDA, I work on these issues and many others such as West Edge, development, creating a residential community, and infusing culture into downtown.
Through the military, being a small business owner, and private development, I’ve been able to further expand my knowledge of the community at large and the City as a whole.
It’s all been very eye opening.
I’m running for Mayor because I want things to be different for our City, for our City staff, and for our residents. I want people who live in bubbles to feel listened to and valued, whether they are in the loop or in their bubble. I want them to be on the forefront of our minds.
I want our community, our people, and our children to thrive.
I want to leave a better tomorrow than we have today.
This isn’t 8th grade and my bubble has been shattered. I’m here to make a difference and to find solutions. I’m here so that we can all win.