First, thank you to everyone who has supported me. Thank you for your vote. You are the reason I am running for office. We stand for progress, for our children and for our future.
That being said, I do have opposition in the WTE and on social media that pertains to my involvement with the children’s museum.
The children’s museum is asking for an investment of a quarter of a cent, meaning sales tax will increase from 6 cents to 6¼ cents for four years. My opponent has unfairly mislabeled this. It is not a full seventh penny, and it is not for me, it is for our future. This is a small investment, which will have a huge return for our community. I support this ask. I believe in the public process and giving the people the opportunity to decide what kind of future they want. I stepped off the board so the mayoral race would not be about this singular issue. Yet my opponent has continued to misuse a nonprofit trying to better our community as her platform.
One concerned reader stated that I “kicked a gift horse in the mouth” when we turned down the “free land.” The donor contacted my opponent Sunday, and they held a press conference without CMC the very next day. If those conversations had occurred in partnership with CMC, my opponent would have known that land was indeed not “free” and would have been very costly to develop. Additionally, the location was not congruent with the mission of CMC. This is a prime example of lack of transparency and its ripple effects.
Finally, to the reader who said I “appear to be a dreamer,” thank you! Every success starts with a dream. Now is not the time to bury our head in the sand, now is the time to dream bigger. I will work to improve safety, roads and infrastructure. I will balance our budget. However, my priority will be our people. I dream of a place where we all succeed.
That being said, I do have opposition in the WTE and on social media that pertains to my involvement with the children’s museum.
The children’s museum is asking for an investment of a quarter of a cent, meaning sales tax will increase from 6 cents to 6¼ cents for four years. My opponent has unfairly mislabeled this. It is not a full seventh penny, and it is not for me, it is for our future. This is a small investment, which will have a huge return for our community. I support this ask. I believe in the public process and giving the people the opportunity to decide what kind of future they want. I stepped off the board so the mayoral race would not be about this singular issue. Yet my opponent has continued to misuse a nonprofit trying to better our community as her platform.
One concerned reader stated that I “kicked a gift horse in the mouth” when we turned down the “free land.” The donor contacted my opponent Sunday, and they held a press conference without CMC the very next day. If those conversations had occurred in partnership with CMC, my opponent would have known that land was indeed not “free” and would have been very costly to develop. Additionally, the location was not congruent with the mission of CMC. This is a prime example of lack of transparency and its ripple effects.
Finally, to the reader who said I “appear to be a dreamer,” thank you! Every success starts with a dream. Now is not the time to bury our head in the sand, now is the time to dream bigger. I will work to improve safety, roads and infrastructure. I will balance our budget. However, my priority will be our people. I dream of a place where we all succeed.
what is we can: cheyenne?
We Can: Cheyenne is a series of conversations and forums hosted by Amy Surdam to start conversation and increase awareness on topics that touch the keystones of Cheyenne's community. Specifically touching on Compassion, Education and Health. Amy has invited several members of Cheyenne's community that specialize in these areas to help initiate discussion on these topics. All are welcome and walk-in attendance is encouraged!
September 20th
12:00 @ Laramie County Library
Cottonwood Room
Featuring Retired General Boenisch and Reverend Rick Veit.
12:00 @ Laramie County Library
Cottonwood Room
Featuring Retired General Boenisch and Reverend Rick Veit.
October 11th
12:00 @ Laramie County Library
Willow Room
Featuring Array School and Senator Stephan Pappas
12:00 @ Laramie County Library
Willow Room
Featuring Array School and Senator Stephan Pappas
October 25th
12:00 @ Laramie County Library
Sunflower Room
Featuring Paul Johnson, MD - Will Pogue MS, MHA, LPC & Phyllis Sherard, PHD
12:00 @ Laramie County Library
Sunflower Room
Featuring Paul Johnson, MD - Will Pogue MS, MHA, LPC & Phyllis Sherard, PHD